Patient-centric mobile application aimed to provide better healthcare service, improve and intensify communication between patient and doctor and shorten the time required for face-to-face examinations and regular check-ups.



Company logo

Duration of examination

Adoption rate of app from patients

Patient-centric solution



To create an app for patients suffering from IBD

Health problems make life difficult for almost everyone. In this case, the client approached us with a project aimed at creating a mobile application that would make life easier for patients with IBD. This application was to serve as a personal assistant to the patient, that would record various aspects of their health and help them manage the course of the disease. Conversely, the patients' condition could be monitored continuously by the doctor, which would significantly shorten lengthy and expensive examinations.



Step by step towards telemedicine

In order for the application to really serve as a personal assistant and at the same time as a basis for the doctors' examination, it is necessary for the application to collect all the necessary patient data and provide various useful functions. This is ensured by questionnaires, a calendar of examinations with results, alerts or other functionalities. Thanks to extensive statistics, the doctor can monitor the development of the patients' condition over time and thus better determine further treatment.



Better care with lower costs

The basics of telemedicine, and therefore the sharing of patient data with the physician, allow the physician to check the patients' condition at any time. Accuracy, development, but also the timeliness of information are very important not only in determining the diagnosis, but especially in the overall treatment of the patient. Thanks to the use of this application, we managed to achieve a 90% acceptance rate of the application by users and the client to reduce the duration of medical examinations by 20%. Thanks to a solution focused 100% on the patient, even a doctor can provide flawless and personalized care.
