Mobile application helps to prevent 70% of unnecessary hospital visits for young mothers and their children. Telemedicine principles and smart decision tree algorithms allow for more effective healthcare services.



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Unnecessary hospital visits

Patient-centric solution

Adoption rate of app from patients



New communication channel between hospital and parents

NÚDCH - The National Institute of Pediatric Diseases in Bratislava has launched a call for the creation of a new communication channel between the hospital and parents (with pediatric patients), which would enable them to reduce examination times and thus the costs of providing health care. Thanks to the new platform, the hospital was able to better inform patients and at the same time prevent unnecessary and stressful visits to the hospital.



Creation of smart mobile application

To solve the task, we chose a form of mobile application that is user-friendly and fast. It enables the creation of profiles for children and continuous tracking of their health status (allergies, antibiotics, vaccinations and various other aspects of their health). A big advantage is the sophisticated decision algorithm system, which enables quick initial diagnosis and helps to guide parents through the next steps accordingly. Thanks to the fast algorithm, parents can decide in time to visit a doctor or provide professional care from home, according to the applications' recommendations.



Everyone benefits from technology

From the perspective of parents as users, the application has brought a tool for accelerated diagnosis of their children and helps them make better decisions about the next steps to take. From the hospitals' point of view, we were able to reduce unnecessary hospital visits by 70% and, conversely, increase the acceptance of the application by its end users by 70%. With this 100% patient centric solution, the application provides benefits to the all involved parties.



Kužela Ladislav - Director, NUDCH, Jan 2020

The hard work of the entire ambitas team has brought tangible and measurable results to our hospital. However the most important fact is that this well pulled off project and technological advancement is beneficial for our patients and their families.

Kužela Ladislav
Director, NUDCH, Jan 2020