
Massive administration system supporting every single business process in the company. Improved planning efficiency and strong focus on data workflow while building hundreds of new houses is crucial for the company's performance.

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Enterprise modules

3rd party integrations

Planning efficiency



Custom made information system

Construction company BAU Holding stated a demand to create a custom made information system, requiring online, fast and transparent administration. It was crucial to elaborate and implement complex information system capable to satisfy the requirements of rapidly growing company.



What are the most essential components of the solution?

To summarize the process of such solution, it is only fair to mention, that the information system has been applied to all company's operations from employee attendance, through building project management, communication with suppliers and clients, billing system to connection to the accounting and bank.

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Beyond information system

Besides main information system, we have also secured additional and supporting products for the company, supporting further business development. Data gathering pages, promotional pages and other procedural, logistic and business applications or configurator applications.

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